Friday 30 September 2016

Evangelical Leaders Slam Trump Campaign As 'Morally Unacceptable'

Evangelical Leaders Slam Trump Campaign As 'Morally Unacceptable'

A group of evangelical leaders have slammed Donald Trump's campaign as "morally unacceptable" for Christians.
They launched "A Declaration by American Evangelicals Concerning Donald Trump" petition in an effort to persuade others to join them. The multicultural collection of leaders include Jim Wallis of Sojourners magazine, Soong-Chan Rah from North Park Theological Seminary Chigago, Barbara Williams Skinner of the Skinner Leadership Institute and Gary Vanderpol of Denver Seminary.

"We believe that racism strikes at the heart of the gospel," the leaders said in the online petition. "We believe that racial justice and reconciliation is at the core of the message of Jesus.
"Because we believe that racial bigotry has been a cornerstone of this campaign, it is a foundational matter of the gospel for us in this election, and not just another issue.
"We cannot ignore this bigotry, set it aside, just focus on other issues," the leaders added. "No matter what other issues we also care about, we have to make it publicly clear that Mr Trump's racial and religious bigotry and treatment of women is morally unacceptable to us as evangelical Christians."
The declaration said the election in November was "not a usual election" and argued "our Christian discipleship is at stake in the ways we respond".
The group said they were "Americans of African and European descent, Latinos, Asian American, and Native Americans" and attacked the "narrow labels of our community" that perpetuate stereotypes about evangelicals.

"We are women and men, as well as younger and older evangelical Christians," they said. "We come from a wide range of denominations, churches, and political orientations."

Billy Graham's Grandson Tullian Tchividjian Admits He Contemplated Suicide After Losing Church Leadership Position Over Affair

Billy Graham's Grandson Tullian Tchividjian Admits He Contemplated Suicide After Losing Church Leadership Position Over Affair

What happened to Billy Graham's grandson Pastor Tullian Tchvidjian? In less than a year, he lost his marriage as well as two church leadership positions because of his extramarital affair, and he hasn't been able to get back on his feet since.
Tchividjian, 44, recently wrote a guest post for EXPASTORS entitled "The Freedom in Losing It All," wherein he revealed his thoughts on suicide after the life he had built for himself and his family came crumbling down.
"As one of my counselors told me early on, circumstances don't create the condition of the heart. Rather, circumstances reveal the condition of the heart. And what was revealed to me about my heart in the fiery hotness of dire circumstances was scary and destructive. This disgusting truth about myself (and the desperate aloneness that I felt because of it) made me want to commit suicide," he says.
Tchividjian resigned from his position from Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church last summer after admitting to an extramarital affair. Later, he divorced from his wife Kim, but managed to find another job at Willow Creek last September. He was subsequently fired in March after Willow Creek's Senior Pastor Kevin Labby found out that Tchividjian had another affair back in 2014 and did not disclose it to the church.
Upon reflection now, Tchividjian realised that the confidence he had in his old life was misplaced, since he relied on status, reputation, power and position more than he did on God. "Because I had existentially located my significance in things smaller than God, my loss did not simply usher in grief and pain and shame and regret. It ushered in a severe identity crisis," he says. "Without these things and people that I had come to depend on to make me feel like I mattered, I no longer knew who I was. I felt dead. Therefore, I might as well be dead."
But if there's anything Tchividjian's downfall has taught him, it's that the amazing grace of God covers people even at their worst. And as long as broken people learn how to anchor their lives on Christ, they will learn to be free from the things that used to weigh them down.
"Your identity is firmly anchored in Christ's accomplishment, not yours; His strength, not yours; His performance, not yours; His victory, not yours. The gospel doesn't just free you from what other people think about you; it frees you from what you think about yourself," assures Tchividjian.

3 reasons why Christians should depend on Christ alone

3 reasons why Christians should depend on Christ alone

The Christian faith is founded on Christ Jesus alone. Because of this we realize that our faith as Christians can only begin, continue, flourish, prosper and finish in Christ alone. Yet, despite the fact that Christ is all that we need, many of us still put our faith in many other things – all of which eventually fail.

The sole anchor
We all know that there are various faith systems and beliefs all over the planet. Yet all of them are nothing when compared to Christ. Sadly, many Christians who profess to follow Christ unknowingly or even willingly put their hopes, dreams and faith in something or someone else other than Jesus.
There are those who believe in the power of positivity, putting their confidence in the self. There are others who believe in the power of positive confession alone, as if their words have the power to turn the tides against God's Word. There are those who believe that because God has a great plan for them, they will experience all the good things in life — forgetting that the Christian life is one of self-denial, continued humility, and of putting no confidence in the flesh.
Jesus said in John 15:5, "I am the vine and you are the branches. Those who stay united with me, and I with them, are the ones who bear much fruit; because apart from me you can't do a thing." I'm pretty sure He's serious when He said that.

Would you like to be successful in life, able to live the life that God wants you to live? Then you should depend on Christ.
Here are some reasons why we should depend on Christ alone and nothing else.

1. Only those who abide and rely on Christ can continue living the Christian life
Jesus said in John 15:6, "Unless a person remains united with me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up. Such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, where they are burned up."

2. We can't bring glory to God without Christ
Jesus said in John 15:7-8, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."

3. We won't be able to do anything good without Christ
Jesus said in John 15:4, "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."


Seeds of Destiny - Saturday, 01 October 2016 00:00

Saturday, 01 October 2016 00:00


SCRIPTURE:  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The availability of truth equals freedom and the absence of truth equals bondage. 
We thank God for the celebration of the 56th anniversary of Nigeria’s Independence. On a day like this, it is important to know what guarantees true freedom. It is called TRUTH. The availability of truth equals freedom and the absence of truth equals bondage. 
Now, let us explore certain dimensions of truth that guarantee freedom.
1.Truth means sincerity and honesty. To walk in sincerity and honesty is to experience freedom; to walk in falsehood and insincerity is to experience bondage. To walk in true freedom, you must embrace the truth. For our nation to walk in true freedom, those who are in power must rule in truth, employees must be truthful to their employers and vice versa.
2.Truth is a person and His Name is Jesus Who is God the Son.  To know God is to experience freedom. The company of God is the company of liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). Anywhere the Lordship of Jesus is confirmed, there is liberty.  
Today, I prophesy that anything that has tied your life, your family, or our Nation down in bondage is broken. I declare your freedom, in Jesus’ Name!
Remember this: The availability of truth equals freedom and the absence of truth equals bondage.
1.Search your life to find out if there is any trace of falsehood that the enemy is taking advantage of.
2.Embrace the truth no matter what it will cost you.
PRAYER: O LORD, I receive the grace to walk in truth. Help our nation to walk in truth. Today, I break out of every bondage or resistance surrounding my life, in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY READING:  Isaiah 62:6 to 65:25, Philippians 2:19 to 3:3, Psalm 73:1 to 28, Proverbs 24:13 to 14
QUOTE: Integrity compels audacity and iniquity invites calamity. Culled from 15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL by Dr Paul Enenche. 
AMAZING FACT: A housefly hums in the key of F.
TODAY IN HISTORY:  1/10/1960- Nigeria gained independence from Britain.
DO NOT FORGET TO ATTEND: The Sunday Service in 6 over-flooded services by 6:00am, 7:20am, 8:40am, 10:00am, 11:20am and 12:40pm tomorrow. Endeavour to come to Church with your friends and loved ones. God bless you

*10 Things the Bible Wants You To Know In time like this

*10 Things the Bible Wants You To Know In time like this.

1. When there is a *casting down*, you will be proclaiming a *lifting up* ... Job 22:29

2. Your *God shall supply all* your needs *according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus* ... Phillipians 4:19

3. He knows the thoughts he has towards you, they are *thoughts of good and not evil to give you an expected end*... Jeremiah 29:11

4. You will *never* see the righteous *forsaken nor* will you see their seed *beg for bread*... Plsams 37:25

5. Even though the young lions lack and suffer hunger , because you and your household trust in the Lord, *you will not lack any good thing* ... Plsams 34:10

6. Because you trust in the Lord with all your heart, and you do not believe in what man says, *the Lord your God shall direct your path* ... Proverbs 3:5

7. In these hard times, *His grace will be sufficient for you, and His strength and Glory shall be made manifest in your weakness* ... 2 Corinthians 12:9

8. Because it is not of him that willeth nor runneth, but of God that showeth mercy, *you will recieve abundance of mercy and compassion from every angle of the earth* in these period of grace... Romans 9:16

9. Surely, as the race is not for the swift, not the battle to the strong, as bread is not to the wise, nor riches to the men of understanding, even as favour is not exclusive to men of skill; *your time and chance to excel even in these times is here* ... Ecclesiastes 9:11

10. Finally, remember the Lord thy God, for *it is he that giveth thee the power, the ability, the strength to make wealth, because he wants to establish his covenant which he made long ago* ... Deuteronomy 8:18.

Lets spread the truth and encouragement with people. Stop the spread of fear, hate.
 You might be saving a soul whom Christ died for. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Thursday 29 September 2016

Anytime I look at this picture some light floods my mind - Timothy Benedict.

Anytime I look at this picture some light floods my mind:

1. It is better to invest in people than to invest in things.
2. Your most enduring legacy is not how much you left behind or the buildings you left but the quality of men you left.
3. It doesn't matter who went ahead of you, if you are not distracted and discouraged, overtake is still possible.
4. You maybe watching others from behind (like Bishop Oyedepo) it does not make their end better than yours.
5. That someone has gone ahead does not keep him ahead.
6. It is not where you are placed today that determines your future but what you do with time.
7. The stage of life does not belong to anyone, it is turn by turn.
If you concur, shout I hear!

Seeds of Destiny - Thursday 29th Sept. 2016

Friday, 30 September 2016 00:00

SCRIPTURE: O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who hast set thy glory above the heavens. – Psalms 8:1

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Existence below average is a transgression.

Our God is an excellent God. One of His attributes is excellence. The Word of God confirms this in Genesis 1:31, when God finished the creation of heaven and earth and everything in it, the Bible says, “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good…”

Mediocrity is not in the gene of God. Since our nature is that of God, our Father, mediocrity is an abomination to our existence; existing below average is a transgression.

It is not the will of God for us to live like beggars. Living a desolate, pitiable and frustrated life is abominable to our association with the Almighty.

You have a status in God. Your true identity was defined in Exodus 19:5, “…ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people…”

What is a treasure? It is a valuable piece of commodity, a jewel of inestimable worth, a priceless pearl of unquantifiable value. You are a peculiar treasure, not a man under pressure, struggling or frustrated.

Beloved, arm yourself with this mentality and you will see God fulfilling His Word concerning you.

Remember this: Existence below average is a transgression.

1. See yourself continually the way God sees you.
2. Continually reject frustration and struggling out of your life.


PRAYER: O LORD, I reject any position that is lower than where You have placed me in life. Help me LORD to be like You, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: If you fail to be different, you cannot make a difference. Culled from WHO ARE YOU? by Dr Paul Enenche

AMAZING FACT: At birth we have over 300 bones. As we grow up, some of the bones begin to fuse together as a result an adult has only 206 bones.

TODAY IN HISTORY – 30/09/1895: Madagascar becomes a French protectorate.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 60:1 to 62:5, Philippians 1:27 to 2:18, Psalms 72:1 to 20, Proverbs 24:11 to 12.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Seeds of Destiny -Thursday, 29 September 2016 00:00

Thursday, 29 September 2016 00:00

Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. –  Psalm 150:6

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If you praise God from where you are, the unction for acceleration is released to move you to where you need to be.

One of the evidences of true living is praising God. Praising God confirms that we have the breath of life and are living.

Faith praises God to deny the enemy victory in times of conflict. When Paul and Silas praised God in the prison, they deliberately made the devil know that he had not won the battle (Acts 16:25).

When you praise God in the midst of conflict or when the devil expects you to cry, you are letting the devil know that he does not have the final say in your life.

When Jesus praised God for five loaves of bread, there was an unction for acceleration and multiplication that was manifested (Mark 6:41). Therefore, praise releases the unction for acceleration and multiplication. If you praise God from where you are, the unction for acceleration is released to move you to where you need to be. If you praise God for what you have, the unction to multiply it is also released.

But if you fail to praise God for where you are and what you have, you will be stagnated. Appreciate God for what you have and what He has already done.

Remember this: If you praise God from where you are, the unction for acceleration is released to move you to where you need to be.

1. Make it a habit to always praise God daily.
2. Stop complaining and start praising.


PRAYER: O LORD, Give me the grace to praise You unconditionally in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: Praise and worship is beyond singing songs; it is a life that we must live. Culled from THE PROTOCOL OF THE ARK by Dr Becky Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 54:15 to 59:21, Philippians 1:1 to 26, Psalm 71:1 to 24, Proverbs 24:9 to 10.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Seeds of Destiny Wednesday, 28 September 2016 00:00

Wednesday, 28 September 2016 00:00

SCRIPTURE:  And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him. – Luke 21:38

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To oversleep in the morning is to miss the spiritual manna for the day.

It is clear from our anchor scripture that people gathered early in the morning in the temple to hear God’s Word from our LORD Jesus Christ. The morning season is critical to receiving Divine instructions. The children of Israel also gathered manna every morning (Exodus 16:21).

The morning season, therefore, is the time for spiritual manna. The morning time is when insight from the Word of God is deepest. Therefore, to oversleep in the morning is to miss the spiritual manna for the day.

In order to access instructions in the morning, treasure God’s Word by studying your Bible early in the morning. Ask God to baptize you with a fresh hunger for His Word. Make up your mind to study God’s Word diligently in the morning hours of the day.

There are many benefits of being in touch with God’s Word, one of which is that God’s Word purifies our lives constantly (John 15:3).

Beloved, ensure that you do not start your day without studying God’s Word. As you do this, you connect with the insight of the morning and no devil can deny your impact in the day.

Remember this: To oversleep in the morning is to miss the spiritual manna for the day.

1. Make effort to rise up early in the morning for Divine instructions.
2. Study God’s Word constantly.


PRAYER: O LORD, I receive the grace to take delivery of the pregnancy of the morning from this day onward, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: Instruction gives light, and light handles darkness. Culled from 10 PRINCIPAL SECRETS OF PRINCIPAL PEOPLE by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 54:1 to 57:14, Ephesians 6:1 to 24, Psalms 70:1 to 5, Proverbs 24:8.

David Oyedepo Living Faith Church World Wide bishop turns 62!

David Oyedepo
Living Faith Church World Wide bishop turns 62

 Happy birthday to David Olaniyi Oyedepo, the Nigerian pastor and presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church World Wide, also known as Winners' Chapel.24

Pastor David Olaniyi Oyedepo is 62 years old!

The presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church World Wide, also known as Winners' Chapel, turned a new age today (September 27, 2016.)
 His wife, Faith Abiola Oyedepo, shared a celebratory message on Facebook in his honour.

"Happy 62nd Birthday to my Wonderful husband! Sixty two (62) years ago, on this particular historic day, saw the birth of a great giant. A man predestined by God to liberate mankind from the oppressions of the devil. A man with unwavering faith and devotion to God, the Kingdom and his family. One that has proven beyond reasonable doubt to be an exemplary leader, a visionary, mentor, prophet, father and friend; one whom I am privileged to be married to. Today on this extra special day, I celebrate you my husband, the love of my life … the passion of my heart … my friend … my companion … my husband … my lord.
I cannot stop thanking you for coming into my life and showing me the God kind of love.
With you, I have learnt more than I imagined. You’ve helped me to see that there is so much more to believe in. You have loved me so dear and opened my eyes to see new possibilities in unearthing my potentials. Together, God has enabled us to raise enviable children who are all now Kingdom giants in our lifetime to His glory! You are an unparalleled man of valour. Surely, the grace of God will keep multiplying upon your life and ministry in new and greater dimensions in Jesus’ name. Life has become extra special since you entered my world. Every day I awake renewed by the thought and constant echo of your love!
Many men have done valiantly, but thou, my husband, my darling, the husband of my youth, excellest them all. We shall yet do greater things for God and His Kingdom!
Congratulations and happy birthday darling husband, father, friend, teacher, mentor and lover!", she wroteDavid Jnr, pastor Oyedepo's first son,also celebrated him on Social Media.

"Happy Birthday to my father in the faith & father in the flesh. Your life has been a great blessing to me personally. May the God whom you serve, continue to honour you and move you to heights unimaginable in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!", he wrote.

Monday 26 September 2016

WORK with your MIND and your HANDS | Pst. Timothy Bendict |

Just WORK with your MIND and your HANDS 
| Pst. Timothy Bendict | 

Praying to succeed is tantamount to the abuse of redemptive grace. If you really desire success; WORK with your MIND and your HANDS and then WALK with people of same CONVICTION and PURSUIT. Prayer shields WORK AND WALK from external demonic interference but can never replace them. Jesus WORKED and WALKED to achieve redemption for mankind. The biblical counsel still remains WATCH (use your mind) and PRAY (connect with God) and success will answer. Someone shout I hear!

Seeds of Destiny Tuesday 27th Sept. 2016

Tuesday, 27 September 2016 00:00


SCRIPTURE:  Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. – Proverbs 4:23.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A blank mind is the reason for a blank life.

It is an established fact that the quality of a person’s life is determined by the quality of his thoughts. Quality of thought determines quality of life and the limit of thought is what defines the limit of life. This means that the deeper your thought, the better your life.  What you mind affects how you end in life.

The direction of your thought determines the direction of your life. A man’s life usually follows the direction of his thought. Hence, a negative thought pattern breeds a negative life and positive thought pattern enhances positive life. A blank mind, therefore, is the reason for a blank life. When the heart is empty, life is also empty.

Life is a gift and the best way to use any gift is for the pleasure of the Giver. As a child of God, fill your mind with uplifting thoughts that can enhance the quality of your life so you can give pleasure and glory to your Maker with your existence on earth. 

Remember this: A blank mind is the reason for a blank life.

1. Fill your thoughts with things that will edify your life.
2. Always meditate on God’s Word.


PRAYER: O LORD, I pray for the grace to fill my heart with the right kind of thoughts, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: Those who think positively, live positively. Culled from 10 PRINCIPAL SECRETS OF PRINCIPAL PEOPLE by Dr Paul Enenche.

AMAZING FACT: In 30 minutes, the human body gives off enough heat to bring a gallon of water to the boil

TODAY IN HISTORY – 27/09/1825: George Stephenson operated the first locomotive that hauled a passenger train.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 51:1 to 53:12, Ephesians 5:1 to 33, Psalm 69:19 to 36, Proverbs 24:8.

DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The two power packed services tomorrow by 4:45pm & 6:30pm

Sunday 25 September 2016


1. Every genuine encounter with God will naturally produce a lifestyle of joy. As we genuinely encounter God, He always rubs off the spirit of joy in us, as joy is the fruit of the spirit - Galatians 5:22.

2. The content of a person will naturally reflect the lifestyle of that person. Thus, if you carry joy, you will reflect the lifestyle of praise - Ephesians 5:18-20. Whenever you are filled with the spirit 

How does praise and worship prove character of worship?
1. It reveals a heart of passion and affection for God. For what you love you talk about with ease. 

2a. Praise will naturally flow where the spirit of God is in control - Psalm 86:12.
b. Life will naturally express itself in the direction of ones controlling passion. Thus, if God controls you, you will be passionate for Him. 
c. Proverbs 23:7 - Praise and worship are never acceptable until the heart is in total agreement. 

1. Praise must flow from the heart for it to be acceptable to God.
2. Use you praise to change your circumstances.
3. Your praise must never focus on what God has but on who he is.


1. Everyones habitual acts reveals the strength of his or her character. Habits form character and character shapes destiny. When you contact God he takes away what is not supposed to be in you and deposits in you what should be. Note that sadness is not permitted in the life of the child of God. The devil can make some people happy by happenings but cannot give joy, for he is not a possessor of joy. When you contact joy you contact the king of kings. This is never predicated on the amount you have in your account. A true child of God can never be threatened by adverse circumstances. God can never keep His children stranded. Never give up to depression no matter the circumstance. 

Whatever is putting your life under pressure, let it be suffocated now IJN. Amen!  God shall meet your needs and you can never be stranded in Jesus' name. Amen! We serve a way maker and He shall make a way for you.

2. Praise and worship are not religious exercises but a natural proof of a genuine encounter with God. Anytime divinity encounters humanity there is a provocation of praise. 2 Samuel 1 - Hannah's countenance changed for good after she encountered God. 

How does praise prove character:
I. Praise and worship reveals in a person the character of humility - Daniel 2:22, 27, 30. The higher you God the more humbler he becomes. If God is blessing you, thank God for it and be humble in regards.

a. Humility recognizes that man is nothing without God
b. Humility naturally provokes a sense of deep worship to God, recognizing Him as the source of all we have and own. 
c. The absence of humility is always a setup for destruction - Daniel 4:30-32; Luke 12:20. Don't let men praise you into oblivion. The higher you go in life the humbler you should get. 

1. See praise and worship as a principal purpose of your existence.
2. Never allow your feelings and circumstances to determine your praise to God - Habakuk 3:17
3. Your praise should focus on who God is and not what He has. For when you praise Him for who He is what He has flows naturally to you. 

Christian event disrupted by extremists who oppose non-Jewish activities in Israel

Christian event disrupted by extremists who oppose non-Jewish activities in Israel 

 Even in Israel in the place where Jesus Christ preached God's Word, Christians are still not welcome up to this day by some people who do not believe in their faith.

A group of extremists who oppose non-Jewish actions in Israel disrupted a Christian conference in the Clal Center in Jerusalem on Thursday.

Members of the radical far-right Lehava organization, led by Bentzi Gopstein, barged into the venue while a Christian choir was performing during the finale of the Manofim festival of contemporary art. They confronted believers who participated in the event, and shouted "Jew murderers!" and "Go back to Syria," prompting the choir to cut short its performance.

Gopstein also confronted police who arrived at the scene to restore order. The far-right leader was reportedly struck by a Border Police officer before he was arrested. Security forces were then posted at the entrance to the event to prevent Lehava members from going in, according to Haaretz.

Wadie Abunassar, the executive director of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land involved in the Christian conference, described the extremists' action as "barbaric."

"We strongly condemn this barbaric act and call on the Israeli law enforcement authorities to put Gopstein and his people on trial, not only for this incident, but for all their activities that are full of violence and incitement," Abunassar said in a written statement, as quoted by The Times of Israel.

He also urged Israeli authorities to pursue firm legal action against the extremists who disrupted the Christian event.

Friday 23 September 2016

First openly gay bishop elected to Anglican church in Canada

First openly gay bishop elected to Anglican church in Canada

Fri. 23 Sep 2016
By Hannah Tooley

Canada has elected its first openly gay Anglican bishop to its third-largest church. 
Rev Canon Kevin Robertson says he is "overwhelmed" with the appointment.
Mr Robertson has two children with his partner Mohan and has been elected into the Diocese of Toronto alongside two other suffragan bishops.
He was first ordained in 1997.
The Diocese says that the 45-year-old was elected on the fourth ballot of the second election.
He said: "I didn't really expect to be standing here on the steps, but I'm deeply, deeply honoured.
"I realize this is an historic day in the life of our church.
"It's no secret that I'm the first openly gay, partnered bishop-elect in the diocese and perhaps in the Canadian church as well, and I know that for some people that's a real challenge and for others it's the fulfillment of what they've been hoping and praying for a very long time.
"The peace and unity of the church is really important to me and I will work to continue that peace and unity as a bishop."
Rev Canon Robertson was ordained in 1997.
The Anglican Church of Canada started accepting same-sex unions in 2002 before the country nationally legalised same-sex marriage in 2005.
There was a protest against the inclusion of, what the diocese said was "one candidate whose lifestyle is, to the best of my knowledge, irregular according to the teaching of the church regarding chastity and marriage," thought to be Kevin Robertson.
However Rev Canon Kevin Robertson said: "I absolutely see myself as a bishop for the whole church, including people who have a very different view of things than I do.
"I'm their bishop, too."

5 Spiritual Habits That Will Make You Strong in the Lord

5 Spiritual Habits That Will Make You Strong in the Lord 

“So we continue to preach Christ to each person, using all wisdom to warn and to teach everyone, in order to bring each one into God's presence as a mature person in Christ” (Col. 1:28 NCV).
The most practical and powerful way to get believers headed in the direction of spiritual maturity is to help them establish habits that promote spiritual growth.
You cannot talk about character without talking about habits.  

Character is the way you habitually act. For example, if you are honest only part of the time or if you are honest only when you consciously choose to be honest, you cannot claim to have the character quality of integrity.
Having integrity means you are always honest. It is your habit. You don’t even have to think about it. When someone asks you a question or gives you back too much change, you habitually do the honest thing.
Of course, there are dozens of good habits we need to develop as we grow to maturity.

But the foundational habits must be learned first in order to grow. So, what are the minimum requirements? What are the core habits that will give birth to all the others?
They are the habits that influence our time, our money and our relationships. If Christ’s lordship is recognized over these three areas of life, then he will truly be in control.
I believe there are five measurements of spiritual growth: knowledge, perspective, conviction, skills and character. Once you understand the what, why, when and how of the five measurements, you can take the next practical steps to starting and maintain habits that will lead to spiritual maturity.

Talk About It
  • What are the three character traits you think people would be most likely to use to describe you?
  • If you did a quick assessment of your life, would you say Christ has control in the areas of your time, money and relationships?

Seeds of Destiny - Monday, 26 September 2016 00:00

Monday, 26 September 2016 00:00


SCRIPTURE: And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. – Genesis 1:24
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When the people of God exist below their status in God, it is an abomination.
God lives naturally in the realm of supremacy. All authority in heaven and on earth belongs to Him.
Since we were created in the image of God, we also need authority to be like God.
Authority is needed for the reproduction of God’s character and nature in His people. 
The law of creation says that everything reproduces after its kind (Genesis 1:11-12). Therefore, man has no choice but to manifest authority and dominion because man was created in God’s image. 
When the people of God exist below their status in life, it is an abomination to creation. Just as a child must resemble any of the parents, we must also resemble God in character. The purpose of authority is for man to reproduce the character and nature of His Maker. The world needs to be brought to know God; they cannot see God, but when they see you, they ought to see God in you. 
Authority is needed in order to make impact in life. When you struggle in life, people may not listen to you, but when you are successful, they will listen. Make up your mind today to manifest God’s authority.
Remember this: When the people of God exist below their status in life, it is an abomination.
1. Ask God daily to help you to be a true representation of His image.
2. Start by manifesting His authority over the forces of darkness.
PRAYER: O LORD, I refuse to exist with an image that is contrary to Yours, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: When you spend time with God, you absorb His character. Culled from WHO ARE YOU? by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas.
TODAY IN HISTORY – 26/09/1981: The Boeing 767 made its maiden flight in Everett, Washington.
DAILY READING: Isaiah 48:12 to 50:11, Ephesians 4:17 to 32, Psalms 69:1 to 18, Proverbs 24:5 to 6.
DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The Healing and Deliverance service tomorrow by 9:30am. Come with your friends and loved ones.

Seeds Of Destiny Sunday, 25 September 2016 00:00

Sunday, 25 September 2016 00:00


SCRIPTURE: It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy Name oh Most High. – Psalm 92:1
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Focus on God is key to true success in life.
From our anchor scripture, we understand that it is a good thing to give thanks to God. This means that the way of praise is the escape route from evil. If good is your desire, then praise is the channel. If you are tired of the bad agenda of the enemy around you, praise will make you escape it. 
The goodness of praise lies in the fact that the lifestyle of praise keeps a man focused on God. While others focus their attentions on other things, a praise worshipper has his focus on God. In life, your focus determines your future; therefore, if God is your focus, He will direct your future aright. 
The difference between praise and worry is that praise focuses on God while worry focuses on challenges. To focus on your challenges is to multiply them. Focusing on things that bother you only opens you up to more of those things. Praise and worship keeps your focus on God and focus on God equals focus on good. Focus on God is key to true success in life. 
Remember this: Focus on God is key to true success in life. 
1. Develop a lifestyle of praise and worship.
2. Decide to praise and worship God consistently despite any challenge you might be facing in your life.
PRAYER: O LORD, help me to maintain my focus on You despite the challenges of life. Fill my mouth with words of praise and appreciation to You, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: To experience God’s Presence and what He carries, we must personally offer Him our worship. Culled from THE PROTOCOL OF THE ARK by Dr Becky Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: The human brain can read up to 1,000 words per minute.
TODAY IN HISTORY – 25/09/2012: China launched its first aircraft carrier into service.
DAILY READING: Isaiah 45:11 to 48:11, Ephesians 4:1 to 16, Psalms  68:19 to 35, Proverbs 24: 3 to 4.
PROPHETIC PARENTAL BLESSING: I decree in your life today that there shall be no loss in Jesus’ Name.

10 Painless Ways to Lose Weight

10 Painless Ways to Lose Weight.

painless weight loss? If you're desperately trying to squeeze in workouts and avoid your favorite high-calorie treats, it can seem like there's nothing pain-free about it.

Yet while eating healthier and slipping in exercise does take some work, it really doesn't have to require heroic effort. Making just a few simple lifestyle changes can pack a big weight loss punch over time.
Web MD spoke to weight loss experts and everyday people who've figured out a few painless ways to lose weight and keep it off. Here are their top tips on how to lose weight without sweating it too much.

1. Add, Don't Subtract

Forget diet denial: Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them.
Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, or crunchy snow peas. Slip those favorite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal; add the veggies into soups, stews, and sauces.
"Adding in really works, taking away never does," says registered dietitian David Grotto, RD, LDN, author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, but do remember to keep an eye on overall calories. And don't forget to add in something physical, too, whether it's doing a few dance moves before dinner, shooting hoops, or taking a quick stroll.

2. Forget About Working Out

If the word "exercise" inspires you to creative avoidance, then avoid it. Maybe the trick to enjoying a workout may be to never call it working out.
"There's some truth to that," Grotto tells Web MD, and once you start your not-calling-it-exercise plan, Grotto says you'll discover "the way good health feels knocks down the roadblocks that were preventing you from exercising in the first place."
So burn calories and invigorate muscles by beach combing, riding bikes, grass skiing, making snow angels, hiking, washing the car, playing Frisbee, chasing the dog around the yard, or even enjoying great sex. After all, a rose by any other name ...

3. Go Walking

Walking when the weather's nice is a super-easy way to keep fit, says Diane Virginias, a certified nursing assistant from New York. "I enjoy the seasons," she says, adding that even when she's short on time she'll go out for a few minutes. "Even a five minute walk is a five minute walk."

No sidewalks in your neighborhood? Try these tips for slipping in more steps:
  • Trade your power mower for a push version.
  • Park your car at the back of the lot.
  • Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.
  • Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf-blower.
  • Get off the bus a few stops earlier.
  • Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.
  • Take the stairs every chance you get.
  • Sign up for charity walks.
  • Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you mop or vacuum.
It all adds up. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low-impact, 30-minute workout easily tucked under your belt.

4. Lighten the Foods You Already Love

One of the easiest ways to cut back without feeling denied is to switch to lower-calorie versions of the foods you crave. A pizza tastes just as good with reduced-fat cheese, and when you garnish low-fat ice cream with your favorite toppers, who notices those missing calories?
And while you're trimming fat calories, keep an eye on boosting fiber, suggests registered dietitian Elaine Magee, RD, MPH, author of Tell Me What to Eat If I Suffer From Heart Disease and Food Synergy.
Fiber helps you feel satisfied longer, so while you lighten family favorites, you can easily amp up the fiber by adding a cup of whole wheat flour to your pizza dough, or toss a handful of red bell peppers on the pie.
Don't forget to lighten the drinks going with that meal. Try switching from high-calorie favorites to diet soda or light beer, or maybe add a spritz of seltzer to your wine.
Hate low-cal drinks? Mix your preferred drinks with a splash of the low-cal option, then increase the ratio as your taste buds adjust. And don't forget to keep pouring that ultimate beverage, says Magee: water!

5. Because Hydration Helps -- Really!

Down some water before a meal and you won't feel so famished, says David Anthony, an information technology consultant from Atlanta. "Drinking a glass of water before a meal helps me watch what I eat. … I don't just hog everything, since I'm not so hungry."

Magee, who also writes the "Healthy Recipe Doctor" blog for WebMD, adds that for the compulsive snacker it's a great idea to keep no-calorie beverages at hand "as a way to keep your mouth busy and less likely to snack on junk food."
Going to a party? Grab a low-cal drink in one hand and keep it there. Not only does it make it harder to graze the buffet, but you'll also be less tempted to sip endless cocktails, too.
Finally, keeping your body refreshed with plenty of water may also help your workout, says Anthony. Staying hydrated means "I can exercise more, and longer, than if I don't drink water."

6. Share and Share Alike

With the massive meals served at so many American restaurants, it's easy to go Dutch -- with the dinner plate.
"When we go out, I often share a meal with my wife," Anthony tells WebMD. "We've been known to split a dessert, even a pint of beer. That way, we don't feel stuffed, and we save some money."
You can share more than just a meal out. Why not double up on a bicycle built for two? Go halves on the cost of a personal trainer? Maybe split a gym membership?
"When you're trying to eat better or get more exercise, you can be more successful if you do it with a partner or group," says Grotto. "The community, the partnership, whether online or in person, it really helps."
Twice the motivation, without twice the effort -- a steal of a deal.

7. Tune In, Tone Up

The American Heart Association knows what we love: television. And they also know we need to get more exercise. So why not combine the two, they ask?
Try dancing to the music when you tune into your favorite music show, or practice some stress-relieving cardio boxing when your least favorite reality contestant is on camera.
During commercials pedal your stationery bike, walk the treadmill, or slip in a little strength training doing bicep curls with cans of your favorite fizzy beverage as weights. Or get inspired to really focus: Put in a high-energy exercise DVD and get motivated by the pros onscreen.
It doesn't matter exactly what you do, so long as you're up and active. Aim for at least 15 minutes, says the AHA. But who knows? If you get really engrossed, you just might outlast the last survivor.

8. Size Matters

Eating less without feeling denied is as close as your dinnerware.
That's because while a small portion served on a large plate can leave you craving more, a smaller plate gives the visual signal that you already have more.
"People go by physical cues," when they eat, Grotto tells WebMD. We know we've had enough because we see the bottom of our bowl or plate. "A smaller plate full of food just feels more satisfying than a large plate with that same amount of food on it."
And don't forget smaller bowls, cups, and spoons. For example, try savoring a bowl of ice cream with a baby spoon. Not only does the pleasure last longer, but your body has time to register the food you've eaten.

9. Get Involved, or at Least Get to the Table

When your weight loss efforts lead to boredom or too much self-focus, get occupied with something else. "I eat more if I'm bored," says Virginias, "especially if I'm eating in front of the TV."
So take a break from the siren-call of the tube, and get occupied with things that have nothing to do with food.
For some, that might mean becoming involved with local politics, discovering yoga, or enjoying painting. Or maybe you want to help a child with a science project, repaint the bedroom, or take a class. The key: Have a life outside of weight loss.
Already busy enough? Then at least eat your meals at the table. "The TV is distracting, and I'm just not conscious of eating," Virginias tells WebMD. "Once I'm at the table, with a place setting, I'm much more aware of what I'm eating."

10. Lose It Today, Keep It Off Tomorrow

Finally, be patient. While cultivating that virtue isn't exactly painless, it may help to know that keeping weight off generally gets easier over time.
That's the result of a study published in Obesity Research, where researchers found that for people who had lost at least 30 pounds -- and kept it off for at least two years -- maintaining that weight loss required less effort as time went on.
So if you crave the results reported by successful "losers" like these -- improved self-confidence, a boost in mood, and better health -- cultivate patience. You may find your way to sweet (and nearly painless) weight loss success.


Seeds of Destiny Saturday, 24 September 2016 00:00

Saturday, 24 September 2016 00:00


SCRIPTURE: Moreover, because I have set my affection to the house of my God, I have of mine own proper good, of gold and silver, which I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house. – 1 Chronicles 29:3 
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The level of your love for God is what determines how far He can take you.
Loving God is an indispensable attribute in the life of everyone who desires to make heaven. You cannot make heaven if the love of God is not real in your life. To love God is to become great in life but to dishonour God is to end as a liability on earth.
Now, what does it mean to love God?
A heart that loves God pants and yearns for Him. To love God means to put God above everything and everybody. David was a young man who loved God to the point of confronting and killing a war giant (Goliath) as a teenager. The level of your love for God is what determines how far God can take you. 
There are many people who are very cold towards God; nothing about God moves them, but when you talk about politics, a new dress, a new car, a husband or wife, they come alive and become active.  
Beloved, do you really love and obey God from your heart? Does your attitude towards God confirm your interest and value for Him? 
Make up your mind to love God because not to love God is to rust in life.
Remember this: The level of your love for God is what determines how far He can take you.
1. Love God with all your heart, soul and mind.
PRAYER: O LORD, I set my affection on You. Help me to hold nothing back from You, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Love does not just give, it gives the best. Culled from REASON FOR LIVING by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: Of all the animals on earth, the mosquito has contributed to the deaths of more people than any other animal.
TODAY IN HISTORY – 24/09/1988: Ben Johnson won the 100m gold at the Seoul Olympics and reaffirmed his position as the world's fastest man.
DAILY READING: Isaiah 43:14  to 45:10, Ephesians 3:1 to 21, Psalms 68:1 to 18, Proverbs 24:1 to 2.
DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The Sunday service tomorrow in 6 over flooded services by 6am, 7:20am, 8:40am, 10am, 11:20 & 12:40pm.

Thursday 22 September 2016

I refuse to call myself an Evangelical anymore





 Tony Campolo: I refuse to call myself an Evangelical anymore

Mon 19 Sep 2016
By Aaron James
Internationally-renowned pastor Tony Campolo has exclusively told Premier he does not want to be known as an Evangelical Christian anymore.
Tony Campolo, who was the former spiritual advisor to US President Bill Clinton, has said that the title now has too many negative connotations - particularly among non-Christians.
He has now partnered with other prominent Christians to start the Red Letter Christians movement. The term refers to certain Bibles which put all of Christ's words in red, to symbolise their importance.
The aim of members is to highlight the importance of Jesus' teaching while distancing themselves from certain reputations surrounding Evangelical Christianity.
Speaking on Premier's Inspirational Breakfast, Tony Campolo said: "Evangelicals in the United States are anti-environment... If you say you're an Evangelical you're anti-gay, you're anti-women, you're pro-war...
"In the southern states, eighty percent of the people go to church at least once a month [and yet it's] the strongest supporter for capital punishment.
"How do you reconcile Evangelicals favouring capital punishment when Jesus said: 'blessed are the merciful'?
"If you're going to get mercy you've got to show mercy. Evangelicals are hard-nosed people when it comes to punishing criminals."
Listen to Premier's John Pantry speak to Tony Campolo:

Ancient Bible scroll deciphered






Ancient Bible scroll deciphered

Thu 22 Sep 2016
By Antony Bushfield
Researchers have partially restored one of the earliest known versions of an Old Testament book.
A team at the University of Kentucky has "virtually unwrapped" the ancient En-Gedi scroll and found it to be the earliest copy of a Pentateuchal book ever found.
The scroll contains verses from Leviticus, researchers said, that were printed on five complete wraps of the animal skin.

Opening the document would destroy it so the team used a process to build a master image of the virtually unrolled scroll containing 35 lines of text, of which 18 have been preserved and another 17 have been reconstructed.
The text is thought to have been destroyed in a fire at a synagogue 1,500 years ago.
"This work opens a new window through which we can look back through time by reading materials that were thought lost through damage and decay," said Professor Brent Seales, who is professor and chair of the University of Kentucky Department of Computer Science.
"There are so many other unique and exciting materials that may yet give up their secrets, we are only beginning to discover what they may hold."

Seeds of Destiny Friday, 23 September 2016 00:00

Friday, 23 September 2016 00:00


SCRIPTURE: Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't just think about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and in what they are doing. – Philippians 2:3-4 (The Living Bible).
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If you cannot point to anyone you are raising; then, it is possible that your life is wasting.
It has been established that our God is a God of love; He is love personified (1 John 4:8) and He created us in His image of love (Genesis 1:26). But the devil always strives to rob us of the love nature of God by replacing God’s love with hatred in our hearts. 
The nature of the devil is the nature of hatred, but people of character and godliness are filled with God’s love. 
What are the proofs of genuine love?
1. Living with others in mind. 
A person who loves his neighbour lives with the consciousness of how his action can impact on others; he lives to protect the wellbeing and interests of others.  
2. Investing in people. 
Love brings the best out of people. Love raises people. If you cannot point to anyone you are raising; then, it is possible that your life is wasting.
3. Not given to envy and jealousy. 
One who loves his neighbour does not live in bitterness and ‘unforgiveness’. 
4. Celebrating people. 
Love celebrates other people. The process of celebrating people is the process of developing genuine interest in the lives of others.  
Remember this: If you cannot point to anyone you are raising; then, it is possible that your life is wasting.
1. Endeavour to love people unconditionally 
2. In everything you do, consider the impact of your actions on others.
3. Be interested in others. Decide to put a smile on someone’s face today.
PRAYER: O LORD, give me the grace to celebrate people and to live an impactful life in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: When a man loses character, he loses everything. Culled from 21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: An adult is made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms
TODAY IN HISTORY – 23/09/1846: Astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle discovered the planet Neptune
DAILY READING: Isaiah 41:17 to 43:13, Ephesians 2:1 to 22, Psalms 67:1 to 7, Proverbs 23:29 to 35.
DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The Home Church meeting tomorrow by 6pm at the home church nearest to you.

Muslim boat captain ‘killed six Christians by throwing them overboard’

Muslim boat captain ‘killed six Christians by throwing them overboard’A Muslim boat captain has gone on trial after being accused of killing six passengers because they were Christians.

The Cameroonian, referred to as Alain N.B in court, blamed the African migrants for bad conditions on the water, according to survivors from the inflatable craft.

Witnesses said the captain and his deputy thought prayers from the Christians were causing the weather to deteriorate on the journey from Nador, Morocco, to Spain.

The men also allegedly struck a Nigerian pastor with wooden planks before tossing him into the sea, according to the Telegraph.

They were then said to have searched the ten metre boat for Christians and eventually ejected five more passengers on the trip in 2014.
The defendant could be locked up for 90 years after prosecutors sought 15 year terms for each of the six deaths.

They argued the alleged killings were religiously motivated and added the captain knew the men had no way of surviving in the water.

More than 21 people died on the trip, including babies, with 29 others rescued.

The captain and his deputy were also allegedly found with €1,500 (£1,287), which was apparently the amount of money the six dead men were carrying.

Alain N. B’s deputy has since died.

Only one body was recovered from the sea but it was not confirmed to be one of the six Christian men who were thrown overboard.

The trial continues in Almeria, Spain.


PRACTICING RIGHTEOUSNESS- I John 2:29. Pst. Timothy Benedict.
Righteousness can never be mastered until it is consciously practiced. We have to daily live it out, while trusting God to help us. 
1. Righteousness is not a title acquired or position assumed, it is what we do and how we live - 1 John 3:7, we should not just claim righteous without living it out.
Grace does not pamper or condone sin, it teaches us to abstain from sin. We do not assume a place of righteousness it is what we do every day, it is a way of life. 
2. Those who provide excuse for sin are indirectly booking a ticket to hell - John 3:8-9. Anybody who lives habitually in sin and uses grace to cover it up is doomed for hell, we should not be carried away by the recent doctrines of perverted ‘Grace’ being preached by some false teachers nowadays. Grace does not license us for a life of unrighteousness.
3. Insensitivity to righteousness is a major hallmark/message of this end time - 2Tim 3:1-5.The message of rapture has gradually gone into extinction! We must live with a life of continuous consciousness of rapture. Matthew 24:1, never attempt to live callously, we are pilgrims on earth and we will not remain here forever; that understanding should regulate our conducts on earth. Heaven is responsible for us as long as we live with the mindset and consciousness of where we are coming from - HEAVEN! Matthew 24:12 ; Psalm 37:1. Never be intimidated by the prosperity of the wicked, the journey is not to the swift, when anyone does not agree with your conviction; you should never buy into their destruction.

How to maintain a Righteous life:
1. Maintain a buoyant devotional Christian life.
What is Devotion?
a. Use of time, money and energy for a particular purpose, especially for a conviction.
b. It is the art of prayer, worship or study done in private.
c. Being committed to a task without external supervision- the way we crave for carnal things is the way God’s spirit craves for a fellowship with us.
What devotions does to our life: 
i. Establishes the consciousness of divine presence.
ii. Regulate our lifestyle.
iii. Helps our consecration.
2. Maintain a rigid contact with the word of God – Psalm 119: 11; John 15:3: Ephesians 5:26.
a. as our natural body needs for to be healthy, so does the spirit needs the word of God to grow.
b. The word connects us to the word of God - 2 Timothy 2:15.
c. It strengthens our victory over sin. The word builds our immunity against sin. Anytime the spirit is malnourished, it begins to show in the conduct of the person.
d. The word empowers holiness. We cannot sit with the word and the devil claims not to be aware, there is a divine presence that goes with us which the devil cannot deny.
e. Maintaining a lively conscience - Acts 24:16.
What a lively conscience helps to achieve:
a. It helps us to live truthfully - Romans 9:1.
b. The absence of a conscience makes for a shipwreck of faith - 1 Timothy 1:19.
3. Ministry of the Holy Ghost - John 16:7-8; Romans 5:5.
The Holy spirit guides and reproves us of any wrong conduct every time, provided we are connected to him, praying in the spirit baptizes us with divine wisdom, it refines our character and makes us better people. Hebrew 11:6.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Songs of Praise may no longer be made by the BBC






Songs of Praise may no longer be made by the BBC

Tue 20 Sep 2016 By Antony Bushfield

Songs of Praise could no longer be made by the BBC as the corporation announces independent producers will be able to pitch to make the show.
The BBC is inviting bids from private companies to make the religious show under the terms of its new charter.
It means the BBC's in-house team can apply to make the Sunday afternoon programme but other organisations must be given a fair chance to take over production.
Songs of Praise is thought to be the longest-running religious television programme in the world and has been a key part of the BBC's schedule since 1961.
It is one of four shows being put out to tender - the others being A Question of Sport, Holby City and Horizon.
In a statement the BBC said Songs of Praise was one of the first shows being offered to external producers because it was "approaching recommissioning decisions".
"The BBC will retain all Intellectual Property rights for the programmes put to tender, which will all continue to be shown on BBC television, but the tendering process will decide which supplier makes those series," the statement said.
Bal Samra, Managing Director, BBC Television and Commercial Director, said: "We are incredibly proud of all these titles and our decision to put them to tender in the first batch is a pragmatic one, so we can move quickly.
"These are BBC shows that will still be on BBC Channels and we will still own the rights.
"We have nurtured and cherished them over many years, our audiences love them and they are precious to us, but we hope the tendering process will offer an opportunity to test value for money and ensure we are delivering the very best programmes for viewers."
In November 2014 Songs of Praise announced it was broadening the churches it featured and now includes services from Pentecostal, Roman Catholic and Salvation Army churches.

China must make "space" for freedom of Christians, warns the UN





 China must make "space" for freedom of Christians, warns the UN

Wed 21 Sep 2016
By Hannah Tooley
The United Nations (UN) and the UK have led calls for C
hina to create "space" to protect religious freedom for Christians. 
The UK was speaking at a UN conference earlier in the week and questioned China's policy on freedom of religion or belief.
It raised concerns over the restrictions of freedom of belief in the communist state, saying: "New laws and regulations affecting media, NGOs and religious groups must expand the space for independent civil society and safeguard religious freedom and belief."
This comes after a significant crackdown on Christians in China during the G20 meeting of world leaders in Zhejiang last month.
House churches were suspended and Christian worshipers and leaders were arrested.

International charity Christian Solidarity Worldwide is welcoming the vocal support of the UK and UN in questioning China's policy on freedom of religion or belief.
Chief Executive Mervyn Thomas, said: "We call on the Chinese authorities to uphold and protect the right to freedom of religion or belief for all people in China, regardless of ethnicity, registration status, religion or belief."

It comes as the UK Government reaffirms it is "robust" when it comes to raising religious persecution in China.
The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Alok Sharma, was responding to a question from the MP Natalie McGarry in writing.
She asked the Foreign and Commonwealth Office: "What discussions he has had with his Chinese counterpart on reports of the persecution of Christians and other minorities living in China?"
He said that "the Government is concerned by restrictions placed on Christianity in China, such as the demolition of churches, the removal of crosses from buildings, and harassment or detention of individuals for their beliefs."
Mr Sharma stressed that the UK has brought up the issue church demolitions with the Chinese authorities, as well as the death of Ding Cuimei, who reportedly died while protesting the demolition of her church in Zhejiang province.

Click to watch (Video)

In a minute .... Christians in china 

Seeds of Destiny Thursday, 22 September 2016 00:00

Thursday, 22 September 2016 00:00


SCRIPTURE:  And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. – Luke 5:6
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Every miracle and manifestation of God in your life is meant to draw you closer to God.
God has a purpose for giving you a breakthrough in life. There is a reason for every miracle of healing, prosperity or blessing God causes to happen in your life.
What then is the purpose of miracles?
Every miracle and manifestation of God in your life is meant to draw you closer to God. This is why it is dangerous for people to stop praying or leave the Church immediately God prospers them or changes their stories. When God changes your life, you should be more appreciative of Him. Miracles should turn you into a stronger believer and make you to be more on fire for God. When miracles happen, they are supposed to increase your love for God and service to Him.
In Luke 5:10-11, Simon and other disciples toiled all night and caught nothing. When Jesus met them, He asked Simon Peter to cast his net to the right hand side and when he did this, he caught multitude of fishes. Peter’s response to this miracle was that he abandoned everything and followed Jesus.
Beloved, ensure that you are drawn more to God when He does His miracles in your life.
Remember this: Every miracle and manifestation of God in your life is meant to draw you closer to God.
1. Appreciate God when He does a miracle in your life
2. Let the miracles of God draw you closer to Him. 
PRAYER: O LORD, thank You for Your miracles in my life. Let every breakthrough in my life draw me closer to You, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: As long as your hope is alive, your help is on the way. And as long as your faith is alive, your change must come. Culled from 30 SECRETS TO THE TOP by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: We all have tiny mites living in our eye lashes
TODAY IN HISTORY – 22/09/1862: U.S. President Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. It stated that all slaves held within rebel states would be free as of January 1, 1863
DAILY READING: Isaiah 39:1 to 41:16, Ephesians 1:1 to 23, Psalms 66:1 to 20, Proverbs 23:25 to 28.


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