Sunday 13 November 2016



Isaiah 10:27. 
1) The anointing is God's tool for the demolition of all bondages/challenges. Things that don't answer to strength answers to the anointing. Note that in whatever realm you operate you need the anointing. The devil makes a mince meat with everyone who tries to operate without the anointing. 

Samson is a classic example of one who became a prey of the enemy because of the way he trampled with the anointing over his life.

2) The absence of the anointing will always create room for uncommon manifestation of useless things in a person's life. To be functioning outside of the anointing is to be functioning in vulnerability. Victory is accessible to only those who possess the anointing.

3) The anointing is God's provision for the dismantling of all oppositions - Isaiah 45:1-3. The anointing is God's presence that goes with a person. It makes a destiny unstoppable. 

What is the anointing?
The anointing is the replacement of human energy by divine energy in order to accomplish an assigned task. It is an invisible force that makes you function not by strength but by connection to a supernatural force. 

The anointing excuses the believer from the path of sweat and slavery. Note that Jesus was God in the form of flesh but had to have the anointing (Holy Ghost) dwell on him before he began his life's task. Anointing is divine energy. 

It makes you function not by labour. The anointing saves you time, energy and effort. You accomplish much in record time with the anointing. 

What does the anointing do?
1. The anointing makes for supernatural speed and acceleration. It powers a destiny. It gives the child of God an advantage over the unbeliever. It separates your business, career, life.
How it gives speed
a) It makes you to cover vast ground in a short time. 
b) It imparts the overtakers grace upon the believer.

How to provoke the anointing 
1. Be in assignment for God - Mark 16:20. God is always with those who are passionate about the kingdom. Connect all that concerns you with the kingdom. Be conscious of what you represent and who you represent.
2. Have a hatred for iniquity - Psalm 45:7. Compromise ultimately destroys. Develop a rigid stand on issues and things. Never allow someone else's manner affect your commitment to God. Don't buy into anyone who does not share your convictions/commitment.
3. Sow into the life of the anointed. Whatever you desire, look for one who carries such grace and sow into his life. This way you connect to such grace. 

If you need to connect into the grace you must hate iniquity. If you have not surrendered your life to Christ you must first do this and receive the grace to live for God.


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