The greatest asset of humanity apart from God is energy. Everything thrives on energy. Power is a major sponsor of activities and light is a major sponsor of power. Everything requires energy. Life and destiny functions when there is an external powering.
Note: 1) Until the right word is discovered and applied, God is not committed. The only thing He is committed to is His word not your tears. Being due for something is not a right, your right is in discovering what you are due for in the word. Nobody wins a case on the grounds of sympathy. Judgment is given on the basis of evidence - Isaiah 41:21. Don't rely on sympathy or on mere spirituality. Don't be casual and dormant, use God's words to counter the attacks of the devil. God acts on the wings of His words. When you see challenges around you, it is not a time to be docile. Don't let the devil have easy access to your life. The only thing salvation guarantees a person is heaven. It does not give you freedom. The word of God is the inviter of God. David is a classic example of someone who understands God's ways and fought and overcame in many battles - Psalm 121; 125. The wickedness of the devil is restrained in the territory of the righteous.
2) Your weight in the realm of the spirit is directly proportional to the word in your spirit - Matthew 4:5,8,11. Note that Jesus was tempted by the devil and responded/countered By the word. What a person can survive is tied to the spiritual content. Add weight to your spirit. What you can move is determined by your weight. Gather spiritual muscle that will make you undefeatable. Word is a major determinant of weight.
3) Until the spirit of man is lighted, freedom is not accessible - Psalm 107:20; John 8:32. The degree of light you access determines the freedom you can have. Note that it is light that intimidates the devil, not your roaring or shouting. Fill your spirit with the light of the word to experience total freedom in God.
How the word communicates light:
By release of revelation - Psalm 119:130. Note that it is the entrance not the reading of the word that releases revelation. You need revelation to access and sustain your destiny
What is revelation?
a. The deepening of understanding that makes for the revelation of faith.
b. The unveiling of hidden mysteries that puts a person in charge or. On troll over challenges, circumstances, etc.
c. The disclosure of what is required to access a desired place or thing - Acts 8:30.
What is the benefit of revelation?
i. It brings elevation - Galatians 2:2.
ii. It sparks a revolution in the life of a person - Luke 5:4.
iii. It brings transformation- the Romans 12:1-2.
How to access revelation:
1. Loving the word of God - Psalm 119:97; Daniel 9:2
2. Read the word
3. Meditating on the word - Acts 10:19
4. Praying in the Spirit - Acts 13:4
4. Through a life of worship - 2 Kings 3:15.
Finally, note that revelation is the exclusive preserve of sons. Accept Jesus as your Lord and personal savior, make your ways right with Him, immerse yourself in His word and receive revelation to realize your destiny.
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