Saturday, 20 August 2016 00:00

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Whatever is lost exists somewhere.
Our God is a God of restoration. Our anchor scripture aptly confirms this fact. God is interested in the restoration of anything that is lost in our lives. That is why He promised to restore everything that has been stolen by the devil.
Therefore, I prophesy the restoration of anything that has been stolen by the devil in your life; today, they are restored in Jesus’ Name
It is important to note that nothing is too lost to be found if God is involved. Anything that is lost can be recovered as long as God is involved because whatever is lost exists somewhere.
A major key to restoration is Scriptural Revelation or light. Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path.” Where there is Light (Revelation), there is no hiding place for anything.
So, there is the need to search the Scriptures and identify light that will guarantee the recovery of what you are looking for.
Now, I decree upon your life that whatever the devil took from you shall be recovered in Jesus’ Name.
Remember this: whatever is lost exists somewhere.
1. Ask God to restore whatever is lost in your life.
2. Search the scripture daily to identify light that will confront the darkness around your life and deliver what was lost into your hands.
PRAYER: O LORD, open my eyes to see the light that will guarantee the restoration of anything that is lost in my life. Cause every mystery surrounding my life to be demystified, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: The Power of God gets manifested by the combination of the Word and the Spirit. Culled from GO IN THIS THY MIGHT! By Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Esther 8:1 to 10:3, 1 Corinthians 12:27 to 13:13, Psalm 37:1 to 11, Proverbs 21:23 to 24
TODAY IN HISTORY – 20/8/1964: US President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Economic Opportunity Act, an anti-poverty measure totalling nearly $1 billion, as part of his War on Poverty.
AMAZING FACT: Did you know that the tongue is the only muscle in human body that works without any support from the skeleton? Yes! It is known as muscular hydrostat.
DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The Sunday Service in 6 over-flooded services by 6:00am, 7:20am, 8:40am, 10:00am, 11:20am and 12:40pm tomorrow. Endeavour to come to Church with your friends and loved ones. God bless you.
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